Dearly beloved,
To God be the Glory for His sustaining Power, who has seen us through the hurdles of the year 2014. Our God is a good Father who does not let down His children that trust in Him. Our Theme for this December, is “THE GOOD SHEPHERD.” The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want, Psalm 23:1.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the true shepherd of all mankind. He neither forget us, nor fails us, nor forsakes us. Through a virgin lady, God sent to us ‘JESUS” the Good Shepherd. In John 10:11, Jesus introduced himself as a GOOD SHEPHERD. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. In the Old Testament, the sheep died for the shepherd by being sacrificed. In the New Testament, the shepherd died for the sheep on the cross of Calvary.
The Lord is a feeder that provides for us. He is a keeper that protects us from danger. He is a companion that cheers and a friend that sustain us in our time of needs. He is a pastor that comforts and encourages His sheep and a shepherd that leads them on a narrow path of righteousness.
He accompanied the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace for ultimate deliverance., He was with Daniel who was holed in the lion’s den. He shielded David from the fierce looking Goliath. He was with Gideon during a war with the Midianites. He sustained His people as they wandered through the wilderness for forty years. Jesus Christ is the True Shepherd of our Spirit, Soul and Body. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16
My dear brethren, you need to sincerely recognize this shepherd. He already knows His sheep, and He is very sure that His sheep knows Him in return. My sheep hear my voice and they follow me, says Jesus the lover of your soul.
Jesus loves you, shed His blood for you and me, and never again will He come to this earth to die again. Today is the appointed day, tomorrow may be too late. “Emmanuel” is His name, interpreted as “God with us” Congratulations, Welcome to the month of December, 2014.
Prayer: Please meditate on and pray with Psalm 23.
God Bless.
Pastor Lillian Haastrup