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The Month of My Glory and The Lifting up of My Head

But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head. Psalm 3:3

Head is the uppermost part of the body, considered to be the seat of life and power. For this reason, blessing comes upon the head (Gen. 49:26); no wonder hands are laid on it (Gen. 48:17) for blessings and consecration. David found courage and strength in realizing what God was to and for him in the midst of adversity. The memory of all God has been to David sustained him at the time of his distress. David had conquest over all his enemies both internal and external because God was his shield and protector. God manifested His glory in all David’s adversities by lifting his head above all his enemies in victories.

Are you going through a tough situation or having difficult times? Take a cue from David and remember God’s past deeds in your life. Acknowledge the Lord as your defense and glory and He will lift you up.

Psalm 113:5-9 What is most praiseworthy about God, as noted in this psalm is that although God is infinitely exalted above everything, even the heavens, He nevertheless stoops to raise the poor from the dust, the needy from the ash heap, and even the barren woman from the disgrace her barrenness brought her.

This psalm tells us that the great exalted God is not only concerned about needy people in general but also with the individual. He cares about you. He cares for you and me personally. He cares for us specifically in the following ways:

Firstly, the Lord saves us from our sins one by one. Not everyone has the experience in this life of being raised from the dust to a throne or from an ash heap to sit with princes, but all who are saved by Christ are lifted from their sins to sit with Jesus in His glory and rule with him. It happens one by one. God has raised us up from our sin from the lowest of the low, through faith in Jesus Christ. Do you know Jesus not as some great Savior in general terms, but as your own personal Savior and Lord?

Secondly, the Lord rescues us when we are cast down. Downtrodden individuals are not a collective mass, they are individual people who have suffered specific defeats or setbacks and discouraged in some ways. God knows you personally as an individual, even the very hairs of your head are numbered (Luke 12:7). God cares for you and knows exactly how you are suffering, and He is able to do something about it. He is able to lift your head up and seat you with princes.

Has life cast you down? Turn to God who is able to lift you up and trust Him to do it. Then do as the psalm finally does: Praise the Lord!

May the Lord lift your head up this month and prosper you as God prospered Isaac. May you be recognized for promotion like Daniel. May you begin to experience a glorious and positive change in every area of your life. May your head be lifted to realms where you are out of the reach of your enemies in Jesus Mighty Name.

Welcome to June 2019, the month of your glory and the lifting up of your head.

Yours in Him,
Pastor Dr. Lillian Haastrup